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Acceptable Academic Remediation Plans

Failure of One or Two Subjects


Failure of Three Subjects Requires a Student to Repeat Grade Level

Middle School Students Failing Three or More Subjects will be Unable to Repeat the Grade Level at Cathedral Parish School.


The following methods will be acceptable for grade recovery / remediation for the school year.


  • A recovery credit can be earned by completing a Florida Virtual School course.Registration must be done through through the Learning Specialist.

  • 30 hours of academic remediation with a Florida certified teacher at a professional tutoring center; such as Sylvan, Huntington, Kumon, or Learning Rx.A passing score on a school-created assessment must also be obtained in order to prove adequate academic gains.

  • A student may attend a diocese-approved Summer School program taught by a Florida certified teacher for a period of three calendar weeks and three hours per day.This option is only available if a diocesan school is offering this program.

  • For the subject of Religion only, a school may design a major research project that requires approximately 30 hours of work (to be completed in 4 calendar weeks) in developing a finished product that proves mastery of basic understandings and adequate knowledge of the assigned topics.It is recommended that the student have to make weekly visits to the school in order to provide proof that progress on the project is being made.School Principal and/or Religion teacher are to determine successful completion of the project.


Skill Building and Enhancing Readiness Skills:

Students may choose to enroll in Florida Virtual School to improve readiness skills for various subjects.  Enrollment should be done through the school counselor.   

259 St George Street St. Augustine, FL  32084 

Phone: (904) 824-2861  |    Fax:  (904) 829-2059

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