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Volunteer Coordinator

Mrs. Amanda Tomes

Phone:   (904) 824-2861



Cathedral Parish School families are required to donate 25 volunteer hours. A minimum of 10 volunteer hours MUST be spent helping with the Cathedral Parish School Festival.


Volunteer opportunities are announced throughout the year by the school via the weekly HALO and our PTO Committee. 


A record of volunteer hours for each family is maintained through RenWeb. Each family will be billed at the rate of $40.00 per hour for each hour not met. 


In order to volunteer directly with children in the classroom or assist on a field trip, the Diocese of St. Augustine requires all school volunteers to complete fingerprinting, a background check, and the Protecting God's Children program workshop. A certificate of completion from the workshop must be given to Cathedral Parish School as evidence of attendance and completion. Please email Mrs. Tomes for dates and times that these workshops will be held or check the HALO. 


Please sign in at the office each time you come to volunteer on campus. You will receive a volunteer badge. All parents must wear a badge while on campus, whether they will be in a classroom for just a few minutes or an extended period of time. The school check in does NOT track your hours. Some events will use Sign Up Genius, but this will NOT track your volunteer hours. 


Recording Hours - Mrs. Tomes will send an email out at the end of every month "opening" a window to email her your hours. On this email, please put your name, your students name, how you volunteer, and the time you were volunteering. Please give Mrs. Tomes 5 business days to record your hours. Once they have been recorded, you can check your hours on RenWeb in the Family Portal. Make sure that you check for the hours completed under the name that was given.

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