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Admission Policy

Open Admission Policy


Cathedral Parish School has an open admission policy.  No person, on the grounds of race, color, gender, disability or national origin, is excluded or otherwise subjected to discrimination in the receiving of services.  Nor does the school discriminate in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral and other aspects of employment on the basis of race, color, disability, age, gender, or national origin.

Harassment and Discrimination


Cathedral Parish School is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.  In keeping with this commitment, the school will not tolerate harassment or discrimination on the basis of a person’s protected status, such as gender, color, race, ancestry, national origin, age, physical disability, mental condition, marital status, veteran status, citizenship status.  All employees, faculty members and students are protected under this policy.  In addition, this policy applies to all conduct occurring on school grounds, at assignments outside the school, or at school-sponsored events.  All students are responsible for helping to assure that any harassment or discrimination is reported.  If a student witnesses or learns of any conduct that violates this policy, the student must immediately report the incident to his/her principal.  If, however, the principal is the individual who is believed to have engaged in the inappropriate conduct, the student should notify the Superintendent of Schools of the Diocese of St. Augustine.  If an investigation reveals that inappropriate conduct has occurred, the school will take corrective action based on the circumstances.

Please see the current handbook for further information about admissions.


Students must meet the academic and behavior criteria for admission to be accepted. Students seeking admission to Kindergarten must be five by September 1.

In order for your child’s registration to be processed, the following documents must accompany the registration form:

  • Completed application for admission

  • Birth Certificate: Original- a copy will be made in the office and the original returned

  • If baptized Catholic, a copy of your child’s baptism certificate and First Communion certificate if child has made First Communion

  • Copy of student’s last two years of standardized test score or FCATS for students as applicable according to grade level

  • Copy of student’s last two years report card and current year to date report card

  • Copy of any educational or psychological test results, as applicable

  • A student recommendation form will be sent to previous school of any transfer student

  • Registration fee -- $175.00 per student and 1/10 tuition fee


Students who meet the acceptance criteria are accepted for admission regardless of race, sex, color, or country of national origin.

If your child is accepted at Cathedral Parish School, the following documents will be required before student may start school.

  • Original State of Florida 680 Immunization Certificate (Part A Code 1 for grades K-6 or Part A Code 8 for grades 7-8)

  • Current Physical form HRS #3040

  • Documentation of legal custody or guardianship, if applicable


If it is the intention of the parents to fulfill the required volunteer hours by working with students, a background check and fingerprint check is required and processed through the Diocesan Office of Education. There is a processing fee. In addition, volunteering parents are required to attend a "Protecting God's Children" class, which is offered at various Diocesan locations. Contact the school office for the location of classes.

Note: Applications will not be accepted without registration fee and 1/10 tuition deposit.

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