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Cathedral Parish School is committed to a practice of continuous self-evaluation and improvement.  Most recently in 2021, CPS completed the process for re-accreditation and revised its School Improvement Plan.  As a member of the Florida Catholic Conference, the first phase of the process consisted of gathering information from parents, students, teachers, administration and other stakeholders to create a school profile.  The link to the various reports is available for you below.

The final visit of the FCC Visiting Team resulted in  Cathedral Parish School being Accredited through the year 2028!


Please contact Deacon Bryan Ott, CPS Principal, at or 904.824.2861 if you have any questions about the survey or process.

259 St George Street St. Augustine, FL  32084 

Phone: (904) 824-2861  |    Fax:  (904) 829-2059

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